One last thing. Carbs are extremely addicting and it's very difficult to say goodbye to those favorite foods of the past. Many struggle in the beginning with all of this. Some describe that carb craving as being worse than trying to go clean after using street drugs. If you fall one meal, pick yourself up and keep trying. The important thing is to try and avoid them as much as possible, because every time you give in then your body will crave them even more and more. I am to the point in my journey that some of their smells now make me physically ill. Yes I do have my treats that are sweet, but don't use them in the beginning as you start this journey. Your mind and body aren't ready for that yet. At some point you can have those, I promise. But in the beginning you need to get yoru body into a healthier place than it is now.
There are some that are so focused on eating as few carbs as possible that they think cookies like the post above this one are okay. They also think all fats are equal and pay no attention to the fats that contribute to high cholesterol and high triglycerides. High triglycerides have more to do with heart disease and an unhealthy liver.
If you focus on eating carbs with lots of fiber, you will be getting the right carbs. Limiting your daily total carbs to about 100 grams will give you the opportunity to consume the 30-50 grams of fiber you need for a healthy gut.
If you focus on getting rid of any food in your diet that has the following words in the ingredients you will be good. "Hydrogenated", "partially hydrogenated" "EDTA", "TBHQ", "soybean oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, corn oil, or vegetable oil. All of these oils are responsible for lipid problems.
You also must avoid these words in the ingredient list. "high Fructose Corn Syrup", "Corn Syrup Solids", "Fructose", "Corn syrup". About 30% of these sugars are converted to bad cholesterol and require 50-100% more insulin to process so they raise blood sugar a lot.
If you must use sugar be sure it is organic cane sugar or raw honey or pure maple syrup. No imitations.
Aspartame is harmful to the lining of your intestines. Splenda is not stable above 200 degrees like was thought. Stevia is the safest artificial sweetener but is really a herb.
Extra virgin olive oil and organic unrefined Virgin coconut oil. Nuts, seeds, avocados, flax.
Diabetes control ultimately comes from your gut and your liver. If you don't eat to get your gut and liver healthy, LCHF eventually makes diabetes worse.