This is a great post written by Nancy Kasperek, Type 2 Diabetes Weight loss Support Group
For those here trying to lose weight, and who isn't? If your dietician or doctor recommended 30-45 grams of carbohydrates per meal and 10-20 grams for 1-2 snacks daily you will never lose weight. Those recommendations come from the ADA, who has no desire for you to have steady bs in a normal range of 70-99. Why? Because their primary sources of funding come from big pharmaceutical companies. So why bite the hand that feeds you? Companies such as General Mills, Post, etc. do nothing as well. They have influenced every sector of the government, and those bodies which determine the food pyramid and what food types should have the greatest emphasis based on research that THEY have paid for. Your doctors get no education in nutrition during their training. PA's, nurses, and dieticians get education based upon the ADA recommendations period. But as a T2D you have insulin resistance. How you acquired insulin resistance is of no matter, it's the fact that you have insulin resistance. Exposing your body to too may carbohydrates will gradually increase your insulin resistance, prohibit you from losing weight, and increase the likelihood that your medication doses will have to be increased over time, and add additional medications to try and control your bs levels. Those many carbohydrates are stressing your pancreas as well, and eventually with a lot of stress it will begin to fail. Complex carbohydrates, such as grains and cereals, can cause your bs spike to be prolonged as much as 6 hours. So if you claim that they don't spike you, do you test every hour past the 2 hour mark to ensure that? So what is a T2D to do? Smile when you get counseling that says to have that many carbohydrates daily and significantly lower your carbohydrate intake to much less than 50 grams total per day, and even lower if you possibly can. But to lose weight you must also add another component that many of us don't want to hear, or talk about-exercise. Exercise is important for many reasons. 1. It will temporarily lower your insulin resistance and make your circulating bs more available for the muscles to use, until those stores in the liver are depleted. At that point if you have increased your good fat consumption your body will begin to utilize those for energy. 2. It increases your heart rate, which helps with your overall cardiovascular health. 3. It will help you build muscle and burn some of your extra fat. 4. First you will notice a body shape change, and a change in your measurements long BEFORE you will see a change in your weight. But exercise and lowering your carbohydrate intake will not be enough if you allow spikes above 140, or 20 points higher than your premeal levels at 2 hours. So essentially you have two choices: follow the ADA woe because you choose to consume the carbohydrates that insulin resistance will make you crave. Thus increasing the likelihood of more meds, and all the complications of diabetes. 2. Choose a much lower carbohydrate way of life. thus stabilizing and normalizing your bs, slowing the rate of any complications to a snail's pace. Having a healthier body, plenty of energy, losing weight, and normalizing your lab results. It's your personal choice. But honestly, I for one, choose number 2 for the entire family and myself. I am losing weight, I have plenty of very wonderful tasting foods to choose from. I have expanded the palate of the entire family into new foods that they woud have never tried before this. We are making better choices in foods, as well as exercising together, which for me increases family bonding and quality time together.
For those here trying to lose weight, and who isn't? If your dietician or doctor recommended 30-45 grams of carbohydrates per meal and 10-20 grams for 1-2 snacks daily you will never lose weight. Those recommendations come from the ADA, who has no desire for you to have steady bs in a normal range of 70-99. Why? Because their primary sources of funding come from big pharmaceutical companies. So why bite the hand that feeds you? Companies such as General Mills, Post, etc. do nothing as well. They have influenced every sector of the government, and those bodies which determine the food pyramid and what food types should have the greatest emphasis based on research that THEY have paid for. Your doctors get no education in nutrition during their training. PA's, nurses, and dieticians get education based upon the ADA recommendations period. But as a T2D you have insulin resistance. How you acquired insulin resistance is of no matter, it's the fact that you have insulin resistance. Exposing your body to too may carbohydrates will gradually increase your insulin resistance, prohibit you from losing weight, and increase the likelihood that your medication doses will have to be increased over time, and add additional medications to try and control your bs levels. Those many carbohydrates are stressing your pancreas as well, and eventually with a lot of stress it will begin to fail. Complex carbohydrates, such as grains and cereals, can cause your bs spike to be prolonged as much as 6 hours. So if you claim that they don't spike you, do you test every hour past the 2 hour mark to ensure that? So what is a T2D to do? Smile when you get counseling that says to have that many carbohydrates daily and significantly lower your carbohydrate intake to much less than 50 grams total per day, and even lower if you possibly can. But to lose weight you must also add another component that many of us don't want to hear, or talk about-exercise. Exercise is important for many reasons. 1. It will temporarily lower your insulin resistance and make your circulating bs more available for the muscles to use, until those stores in the liver are depleted. At that point if you have increased your good fat consumption your body will begin to utilize those for energy. 2. It increases your heart rate, which helps with your overall cardiovascular health. 3. It will help you build muscle and burn some of your extra fat. 4. First you will notice a body shape change, and a change in your measurements long BEFORE you will see a change in your weight. But exercise and lowering your carbohydrate intake will not be enough if you allow spikes above 140, or 20 points higher than your premeal levels at 2 hours. So essentially you have two choices: follow the ADA woe because you choose to consume the carbohydrates that insulin resistance will make you crave. Thus increasing the likelihood of more meds, and all the complications of diabetes. 2. Choose a much lower carbohydrate way of life. thus stabilizing and normalizing your bs, slowing the rate of any complications to a snail's pace. Having a healthier body, plenty of energy, losing weight, and normalizing your lab results. It's your personal choice. But honestly, I for one, choose number 2 for the entire family and myself. I am losing weight, I have plenty of very wonderful tasting foods to choose from. I have expanded the palate of the entire family into new foods that they woud have never tried before this. We are making better choices in foods, as well as exercising together, which for me increases family bonding and quality time together.
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