RX for health

RX for health

Sunday, April 24, 2016


N. Kasparek Carbs are a non-essential nutrient. All the carbs your body needs can come from fibrous veggies grown above the ground. The additional carbs will keep your bs higher than a non-diabetic, increase the potential of cellular damage/death with bs over 120 mg/dl, and will slowly increase your insulin resistance. You may not notice the increases in your insulin resistance for months or years, but it's happening. Then at some point you will notice that your bs are rising, despite lowering your total carb intake even further, needing higher doses of meds and more meds to try and stabilize your bs. At that time your pancreas will begin to totally fail as well.

Monday, April 18, 2016

D. Price: success story

Hi, cooking friends, just checking in and giving an update. I was diagnosed in August of last year by a doctor who did not care (not even a pamphlet, just a script for a $350 meter - as if). Anyway, my blood glucose was 278 (I didn't even know what that meant) and my A1C was 8.0. I got online, did a LOT of research every single day, read Dr. Bernstein's book, became a meter fanatic, counted calories AND carbs keeping my carbs below 25 a day and my calories below 1500, logged ...every single bite on myfitnesspal.
And I chose to not listen to all the people who tried to tell me to do differently. I followed research. I took up tai chi. I became stubborn. I became selfish. I refused to eat the "healthy" pecan pie at Thanksgiving. Just because it has "organic" everything doesn't make it healthy for me! Geesh, it was like being attacked by rabid dogs.
Went to the doctor today. I have lost 62 pounds. My A1C is now 5.3 down from 8.0. My glucose is 99. Technically, I don't qualify as a diabetic now. My glucose and A1C are within normal range without medication. I'm not going to change what I'm doing, I'm going to keep going. I'm not worried about the people who say no one can "cure" diabetes, and I'm not worried about the people who say I need to eat more carbs. No, thank you. This is a one woman show. I make my choices. I choose my life. I read about 20 books. The one that made sense for me and WORKED was Dr. Bernstein "Type 2 Diabetes". I still test about 10 times a day, because I like seeing how things are working. It's become a fun challenge. I am now into sauces. Sauces make food taste good. I'm trying to learn to make hollandase (sp?) sauce. I need some help, because no luck so far. If anyone knows how, please let me know what I'm doing wrong. I've got asparagus and eggs, and I'd love to serve them with that sauce. smile emoticon I'm off to drink my water.

Friday, April 15, 2016

c. kimball

There are some that are so focused on eating as few carbs as possible that they think cookies like the post above this one are okay. They also think all fats are equal and pay no attention to the fats that contribute to high cholesterol and high triglycerides. High triglycerides have more to do with heart disease and an unhealthy liver.

If you focus on eating carbs with lots of fiber, you will be getting the right carbs. Limiting your daily total carbs to about 100 grams will give you the opportunity to consume the 30-50 grams of fiber you need for a healthy gut.

If you focus on getting rid of any food in your diet that has the following words in the ingredients you will be good. "Hydrogenated", "partially hydrogenated" "EDTA", "TBHQ", "soybean oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, corn oil, or vegetable oil. All of these oils are responsible for lipid problems.

You also must avoid these words in the ingredient list. "high Fructose Corn Syrup", "Corn Syrup Solids", "Fructose", "Corn syrup". About 30% of these sugars are converted to bad cholesterol and require 50-100% more insulin to process so they raise blood sugar a lot.

If you must use sugar be sure it is organic cane sugar or raw honey or pure maple syrup. No imitations.

Aspartame is harmful to the lining of your intestines. Splenda is not stable above 200 degrees like was thought. Stevia is the safest artificial sweetener but is really a herb.

Extra virgin olive oil and organic unrefined Virgin coconut oil. Nuts, seeds, avocados, flax.

Diabetes control ultimately comes from your gut and your liver. If you don't eat to get your gut and liver healthy, LCHF eventually makes diabetes worse.

Sheila Gales After being on LCHF for 6 months my A1C went from 11.0 

c. kimball

 It will likely take a year before your doc finds the right med for you and dose. Part of that is that you will be encouraged to make lifestyle changes that will be changing your blood sugars too.

You have to become healthier. That requires that you stop eating already made foods aka processed foods. It requires that you start eating real food that does not have a bunch of words in an ingredient list. It requires you move your body aka exercise.

It will take you up to 6 months to get your diet right. You start with one meal at a time.

As a person with diabetes you do NOT process carbs well because you no longer have enough insulin and you don't have enough storage and you aren't active enough to burn what little you do process.

You have a sick gut from years of processed foods with little to no fiber and 80% of people with diabetes have some form of Fatty Liver disease from eating too much Trans Fat.

Eat better
Cut carbs
Increase fiber
Stop eating bad fat
Eat more good Omega 3 fats.
Stop eating anything fried from any type of restaurant

c. kimball

About 30% of people with diabetes do not tolerate gluten from wheat, barley, rye or oats. 70% of people will tolerate small amounts of things like steel cut oats, oat bran, or quinoa, or Ezekiel sprouted bread that does not use any flour. By small amounts I'm talking about 1/4 cup or one slice.

You have to test your blood sugar to see how you tolerate it. The things like " whole wheat" means nothing. Quick or instant oatmeal is just empty calories. You can look for double fiber breads that may or may not work for you. 2 servings of whole grains is max per day. A serving is one slice of whole grain bread or 1/4 to 1/2 cup of steel cut oats or oat bran or quinoa (which is really a seed but acts like a grain). Avoid corn unless you know it is organic. That includes chips and tortillas and corn on cob and corn bread. All cornbread or baking mixes are full of Trans fats and those will only serve to make you
More insulin resistant

C. Kimball

Start one meal at a time. Rome wasn't built in a day and you are not going to magically transform your diet overnight either.

You've been hearing for a long time to eat more vegetables and less beef. Eat more fish.

Diabetes means that you do not have the ability to store excess carbs nor do you have the insulin to be able to use carbohydrates in anything but tiny amounts. Your body just can't do it.

We have learned so much in the last 2 years about diabetes. We know that it is NOT just about your Beta Cells, but is also about the health of your gut and the health of your liver. So, the bottom line is that you have not eaten good nutritious food for a while and it is now important that you start thinking about what goes into your body. Empty calories are not something you can afford any more.

You must do some type of exercise, even if all you can do at first is 5 minutes a day until you build up to 1 hour a day.

Eat more nutritious food
Eat food that has a lot of fiber
Eat good lean protein from meat, bird, fish, pork, eggs
Eat whole dairy preferably organic to avoid antibiotics and bovine growth hormone
Enjoy Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin unrefined Coconut Oil
Eat more nuts like walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios
Eat more avocados and berries

Avoid any food that has "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredient list as this is one of the reasons your liver is sick
Avoid any food with "high fructose corn syrup", corn syrup, fructose, or corn syrup solids in the ingredient list
Avoid any food with MSG, monosodium glutamate in the ingredients
Avoid any food that has soybean, cottonseed, canola, safflower, sunflower, corn, or vegetable oil in it
Avoid Crisco
Avoid any food that has "enriched" anywhere
Avoid all foods that are fried at any type of restaurant.

If you do this, you will be eating so much better and you will start to heal your body and make your body less inflamed and more insulin sensitive.