RX for health

RX for health

Friday, April 15, 2016

c. kimball

 It will likely take a year before your doc finds the right med for you and dose. Part of that is that you will be encouraged to make lifestyle changes that will be changing your blood sugars too.

You have to become healthier. That requires that you stop eating already made foods aka processed foods. It requires that you start eating real food that does not have a bunch of words in an ingredient list. It requires you move your body aka exercise.

It will take you up to 6 months to get your diet right. You start with one meal at a time.

As a person with diabetes you do NOT process carbs well because you no longer have enough insulin and you don't have enough storage and you aren't active enough to burn what little you do process.

You have a sick gut from years of processed foods with little to no fiber and 80% of people with diabetes have some form of Fatty Liver disease from eating too much Trans Fat.

Eat better
Cut carbs
Increase fiber
Stop eating bad fat
Eat more good Omega 3 fats.
Stop eating anything fried from any type of restaurant

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