RX for health

RX for health

Thursday, March 31, 2016

rhonda s.

Rhonda Sstand this. As type 2's we spent 10 to 15 years developing up our insulin resistance until we became diagnosed. Type 2's also have a heredity issue, but when and if that heredity kicks in, depends on your diet. As we eat certain carbs, our insulin resistance increases. Most type 2's make plenty of insulin in their own pancreas, but our cells become resistant and will not let the insulin do it's job. Insulin's job is to convey the sugars and starches, once broken down, to your cells to be used for your energy. Insulin is also our fat storage hormone. Every time we eat any carb, our pancreas will make more Insulin, through our Beta Cells. The body just keeps telling the pancreas to make more and more insulin, trying to clear the bloodstream of all the sugars. This happens over and over until our bloodstream is full and all this sugar makes us feel sluggish, destroys our nerve endings, causes inflammation in the whole body and more. When our blood sugars get high enough, doctors also order more Insulin in hopes of not overworking our Pancreas and hoping that massive doses of Insulin will finally push the sugar out of bloodstream and into cells. What also happens with all that massive amount of insulin is weight gain, because Insulin needs to desperately clear the bloodstream and finally does so by storing the sugar into fat cells. Remember it is also the fat storage hormone. If you eat very low carb, you will not have the pancreas being stimulated to push out insulin all the time. Your Pancreas will rest and not burn out all those valuable beta cells, that you have a lifetime limit of. You will not have the sugars building up in your bloodstream and also your insulin resistance will start going down and you will lose weight. Losing weight will be faster when you convert your whole body over to fat burning instead of carb burning. This is called Ketosis or a Ketogenic diet, once you get down to around 20 Net Carbs, and the body will use the fats you eat and the fats stored on your body, for all of it's body processes and energy needs. Carbohydrates are not essential to human body and is why we say only to get carbs found in non starchy fibrous veggies, because the fiber helps with digestion. Remember protein is essential, but more than the body can use, will get converted and burned just like sugar. Increasing fats will give you needed calories and fuel, once you stop eating carbs and will keep you satisfied and will get rid of the cravings. You must be very low carb to increase your fats. Low Carb, high fat is good, but carbs and fats together, are bad.. The whole goal to eating as a type 2 Diabetic is to understand what Insulin Resistance is. 

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