I have been reading a book about diabetes- The Things Doctors Don't Tell You About diabetes. It is enlightening. I was mostly shocked to read that the ADA says that a person with a 180mg post-prandial is "keeping good control." Other research uses 140, and yet others 120. I'm shocked by the disparity of numbers quoted by various medical organizations. It seems the ADA is the worst. For now, I personally want to try to get as close to 120 as possible, but even if I can't as long as I keep my BG under 140 I'm happy. I was only diagnosed in April of this year.
Also of interest was that if you have some blood disorder, say like anemia, your a1c will be off. African Americans who have sickle cell anemia also will show a misleading a1c. All sorts of factors come into play, so for doctors to generalise a1c as the litmus test for diabetes or not, should make sure there aren't any other factors affecting a1c. Plus, ultimately it is your post-prandials that count the most- at least according to this book.
Interesting stuff to learn. Taking it all with a grain of salt though, but the author himself is a diabetic. Gads, my brain hurts now, LOL.
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