RX for health

RX for health

Monday, June 23, 2014


What's on my mind, eh? Well let's see.......I let an infection go in my left foot last March (I have neurapathy in my feet). Well, infection went up to my groin. So I went to ER. Thought I was going to get a shot and antibiotic. Well, 14 days in hospital ..IVs. And on April 1st, lost my left big toe and part of my foot. (doctors kept threatening with leg amputation). Now, going on 15 months later of wound vac, wraps, total contact casts (3)..foot just healed and hopefully thi...s coming week get my special shoe. I see a chiropractor, councelor (shrink), wound doctor, diabetes doctor...And thoughtful neighbors & Church. There isn't an issue I haven't stressed over...Anyone out there with similar issues, minor amputations (if there is such a thing), diabetes, insulin, diabetic diet, stress, poo-pooh party, etc. and need to share, please by all means drop a line. Maybe my issues can help yours. drop a line...

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