RX for health

RX for health

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I don't mean to keep mentioning what I've been through but it's just my way of hoping to help someone else in this struggle. Today is my first year being a "person with diabetes". My journey started in 2011 when I was told I was "pre diabetic"and I didn't have to be on insulin, and that all I had to do was watch my diet, exercise and monitor my BG. I did well for a while but then became complacent and stopped doing it all. In 2013, I became very ill, was drinking tons of water back to back and literally running to the restroom. I knew something wasn't right and I went to the ER and was told then that I'd made it to the ER in time because I was going into "diabetic coma". My a1c was 28.2 and BG was 650 (mg/dl). I was hospitalized and was put on Metformin which didn't work. Was back in the ER hospitalized and put on Glipizide which didn't work either. I was finally put on insulin and soon over the months my numbers started going down from 420-350-200. When I joined this group less than 7 months ago, I learned so much through research and what members of this group have gone through. My BG and A1c was still decreasing. Finally I learned about the LCHF diet although I choose to call it a "lifestyle". Then one day my doctor and Endocrinologist decide to take me off insulin in July after being on it only 11 months. I'm now meds free with an A1c of 4.8 and BG 90-108. Weight went from 265-160, all done by committed diet and exercise. So I encouraged all who's struggling to fight this assassin DIABETES, and those who still won't take this illness serious. Especially those who feel like giving up...you can do this! because the strength that brought you this far will carry you the rest of the way. Thank you for your time.

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