RX for health

RX for health

Thursday, March 8, 2018


I don’t know where to put this. It is just some informative information for those of us who are non compliant diabetics.
There’s probably none in these groups or why would you be here right??
This is a story of what I did to myself:
When I was first diagnosed with type two diabetes I was 220 lbs I was working night shift so my eating habits were off the wall I tried going to the gym with work mates to loose the weight but I was eating Cheetos and drinking Pepsi by the 12 pack daily. I was tired all the time had no energy. Like I said working night shift. I was not sleeping well and up to the bathroom hourly. Always had a drink in my hand. Usually frozen Pepsi. Suddenly I started loosing weight a lot of weight like 40-50lbs but I still wasn’t feeling right. I kept going to the gym thinking I as doing something right. Wrong!!
This is the beginning of my diabetes life. I was diagnosed. I started on metformin and the diets. I hated it!! I was pissed my life has changed so much. I just was so darn mad that I had diabetes. At that point in my life if I just followed the rules and did things right I would of probably taken off 20-30 more lbs and the diabetes might have been in control. No I had to fight it. I went completely non-complaint. Stopped going to see my doctor. Started eating and drinking what I wanted etc ....just completely out of control
Fast forward quite a few yrs. on and off I would try to follow the rules but I got to a point in my life I had no choice. I had the 3 F’s. 1) frequent Urination
2) frequent Thirst
3) forty
Yup I turned forty that yr and all hell would break loose. I woke up one night my feet felt funny. You know that feeling when you smack your funny bone? It was like that but in both my feet. I got up and tried to walk it off to no evale. I ended up going to the emergency room. By the time I got there my feet and legs were pure white. They hurt so bad. My A1C was double digits like 13 or something outrageous like that. They shipped me to a trauma center. I was admitted with bilateral blood clots to both my lower legs. Long story shortened a bit, they tried to remove the blood clots through my femoral artery’s. The nerves in my feet were left with out oxygen via blood flow for too many hours which left me with severe nerve damage.
The whole point to this long story is:
They weren’t blood clots. My blood sugar was so high for so long that my blood was caramelized. It was too thick to travel back up. I have permanent nerve damage to the nerves in mostly my right foot. The pain is so severe. It is irreversible I am lucky my kidneys are still working and weren’t damaged enough for dialysis.
No matter how mad you are that you are a diabetic. Please monitor your sugars, if your cheating your only cheating yourself. I was given another chance to live although it is with this horrific pain in my feet. I am alive to watch my grand baby learn to walk, go to kindergarten and even to draw pictures of her Grammy.

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