RX for health

RX for health

Monday, September 14, 2015

POST ABOUT THE GROUP from Jacky Gregore

  •  This group does encourage lchf way of life to manage their diabetes more effectively. Many members have been able to get off meds and keep their numbers in the normal or pre-diabetes range through diet and exercise. The approach is one that is supported by many more recent in Europe and US studies. The regular medication that is encouraged by MD's appears to be designed to help a person continue in a damaging life style and manage symptoms. The diet set out by many diabetes educators supports very high carb intake that is what the body can no longer tolerate. So if it seems the group is pro-lchf, it is because it is. The medication my doctor origianlly put me on has a 27% increase in heart failure for people taking it. Why would I want to trade one bad thing for another? It costs over $400 a month, but the rep was glad to give me samples. I quit taking it, lost weight, lowered by bs to normal range and my A1C to 6 in 3 months using the lchf diet. So I will stick to this - I will be considered in remission in another few months of this lifestyle change. Works for me. What you choose for you is up to you, but encouraging you to check out an approach than has worked for a whole lot of us is not meant to be insulting, it is meant to show you an alternative.

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