RX for health

RX for health

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Diabetes is a vicious cycle. High Blood Glucose will increase your insulin levels, which will increase your resistance. This can be demonstrated by all those taking insulin. As your resistance increases so does your insulin dosage, which in turn will make you more resistant, which in turn will lead to even greater insulin dosages. This cycle in and of itself does not need carbs to feed itself. This is a cycle only you can break, by eating foods that do not cause an increase i...n resistance. Understand that if you eat to many carbs, your meds increase because your sugars increase but that's not really true. What you are actually doing is increasing your resistance requiring more meds, If this wasn't the case, your sugars would be near normal after you ate. You take the meds because your resistance is out of whack. There are non carb foods that don't raise blood glucose, but they sure as the dickens raise your resistance. Raising resistance means your insulin, the hormone you produce and/or the hormone you inject can't do it's designed job. In the short/long term you want to be able to lower your resistance. There are proteins and fats that will raise your resistance without raising you sugars at all.

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