RX for health

RX for health

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Yesterday marked my 1 yr diabetes journey. I was diagnosed 1 yr ago with an A1C of 7.8 and 240lbs. Today my A1C is 4.8 and my weight is 165lbs. This WOE works. I have not even been tempted to have a cheat day. Its just not worth it. You will see results sticking to this lifestyle.

member of Type 2 Diabetes Support group

Friday, January 29, 2021

 Back in September of last year 2020 I was diagnosed with Type 2 after being hospitalized with a blood sugar of over 500. I remember feeling defeated, upset and lost. Not knowing what to do until my girlfriend suggested I look for groups on fb for support. I found this group and after talking to my Dr who advised against a lchf diet. I decided to listen to ppl who have actually gone through this and followed the WOE strictly. Today I got my results back from my Dr and the look of amazement on his face made the last few months of strict dieting worth it. He couldn’t believe how low my A1c is now compared to September. He said usually patients drop 1-2% in their A1c but I almost halved mine. Down from 10 to 5.6. He even took me off metformin which is the best news I’ve had in a while. I hated the side effects of it. But I shared this to say thank you and I’ve been a silent creeper for the last few months but I have really tried to take in as much information as possible.

A.Parker, type 2 diabetes support group member

Monday, January 18, 2021


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