From Linda K. Member of Type 2 Diabetes support group: I want to say that I appreciate this admin team! If it wasn't for you, my sugars would not be going in the right direction!!! Last night reading all the nasty comments towards you made me mad!! People leaving the group, arguing, being snarky doesn't take a rocket scientist to READ TO BETTER YOUR LIFE!! When I first started this group, that whole week was the same! Arguing, people leaving, etc...kind of scared me but, I stuck it out because I wanted to learn how to take care of myself correctly! I just today used the search bar to find compliant brown sugar and found it!! I've been asking for compliant and I get what's not compliant LOL LOL.... each of you, I'm forever in your debt! You're saving my life with the knowledge and tools that I needed to HELP MYSELF! I know how aggravating your job is in this group!! Just reading some stuff aggravates me for you! I want you guys to know, the day I posted my sugar was at it's lowest yet was 91... What I didn't tell you, it kept dropping that evening, BUT from READING I knew not to be overly concerned until it hit 65.. it got down to 67. Thanks to you, I did NOT go running to the fridge!!!! But was apprehensive about taking my insulin....I did though....there are people in here that thinks you guys are the BEST!! AND IM ONE OF THEM......Merry Christmas to everyone!!!! 😊